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Piotr Monwid-Olechnowicz

Open Source

I believe in community-driven collaboration through open source. It’s what makes the web the most expansive and accessible ecosystem in the industry. I’ve seen it change people’s lives, including my own.

I maintain Theme UI, and I tend to help out with problems I encounter.
More than 455 of my PRs were merged to public repositories.


Edge & Node — since May 2022

Product Team. Working on Graph Explorer, Subgraph Studio, and the design system.

dethcrypto x L2Beat — October 2021 to May 2022

Maintaining TypeChain, eth-sdk and Earl to help dApp developers get into the Pit of Success. Built DethCode to view multi-file contracts in VSCode in your browser.

Flick — August 2020 to October 2021

Building a suite of apps for social media managers and influencers. Maintaining internal tooling, including codegen plugins, shared libraries and release automation. Decreased database costs by the factor of 8 by changing O(n) db query into O(1) read from custom queue.

Chop-Chop — December 2018 to August 2020

I built libraries, web apps (mostly for real estate marketing), ran workshops with clients, and organized a company tech meetup. Main tools: TypeScript, React and Markdown.

Explain Everything — July 2017 to October 2018

Worked on a peer-to-peer interactive whiteboard using three.js. Transformed large codebase from JQuery and decaffeinate CoffeeScript through Flow to TypeScript and React.

Brighter 3D — June 2017

Built a proof of concept of SketchUp renderer using C#, Unity3D, and Node.js Google Cloud functions.


BSc Computer Science, University of Wrocław

I learned to google really hard and read research papers.

I don’t write Haskell nor Prolog nor x86-64 assembly nowadays, and I probably wouldn’t be able to repeat all the logic and discrete math proofs that I used to be able to do, but the uni taught me patience, curiosity and “I don’t know this yet, give me a few hours to read” attitude.